The 12-week Catechumenate Course is designed to help orient inquiring individuals to the fundamentals of the Christian faith and the Anglican tradition, and provide instruction for those who wish to receive the sacraments of Baptism or Confirmation, to be received into the Anglican Communion, or to reaffirm their faith. The primary instructor is Fr. Doran Stambaugh.
Course Objective
The course is centered on one end: a personal and saving relationship with God, the Most Holy Trinity. Therefore, the primary objective for each catechumen is to: Grow in relationship with God the Father, through Jesus Christ, in the power and unity of the Holy Spirit, both individually and corporately. Topics covered include: Salvation History, the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation of Our Lord, the Sacraments, Liturgy (why we do what we do), Stewardship, and Prayer.
Spring 2025 Dates:
All classes take place 9 am – 10:30 am.