
The Rev. Doran Stambaugh, SSC


The Rev. Doran Stambaugh began his curacy at St. Michael’s in July 2005, and his tenure as St. Michael’s Priest-in-Charge in June 2010. He was inducted as rector on The Feast of the Holy Cross, 2013. Fr. Doran is a 1996 graduate of Wheaton College. He graduated cum laude with a Master of Divinity from Nashotah House Theological Seminary in the Spring of 2005. He was ordained to the priesthood on The Feast of the Transfiguration, 2005 at St. Michael’s-by-the-Sea. Fr. Doran and his wife Therese have three children. Contact Fr. Doran at 760.729.8901 ext 02, or [email protected]


The Rev. Chris Craig-Jones

Assistant for Pastoral Care

Chris Craig-Jones grew up in England and was baptized, confirmed and served within a Church of England (CofE) parish. He has worshiped at St Michael’s since 2010 and for the past 5 years has directed the Pastoral Care ministry. Chris holds professional qualifications in Information technology and Project Management and after a 40 year career in the computer industry was called to full time ministry. In 2019, Chris was ordained as a priest and continues to provide pastoral care ministry at St Michael’s and chaplaincy services to Carlsbad-By-The-Sea Retirement Community. Chris and his wife Jane have 3 children, Daryl, Mark and Andrew and 2 grandchildren, Jacob and Noah. Contact Chris at 760.729.8901 ext 07, or [email protected]


The Rev. Kim Stephens-Doll


Kim Stephens-Doll was born in Eagle Rock, CA. and graduated from Whittier College with a degree in Religious Studies. In 1995 she earned a BCLAD teaching credential and taught in the Mountain Empire Unified School District as a National Board-certified teacher. Kim’s love of music led her to play in several orchestras, and in 2015, Kim started the Renaissance Institute of Music, a non-profit youth orchestra, a grantee of the California Arts Council and with its current home at St. Michael’s-by-the-Sea. In 2018, Kim discerned a calling to the deaconate and attended Nashotah House Theological Seminary, graduating with honors with a Master of Pastoral Ministry in the Spring of 2023. She was ordained to the deaconate on Dec 12, 2023 at St. Michael’s-by-the-Sea. Contact Kim at [email protected]


The Rev. Ivor Kraft

Priest Not-In-Charge, Emeritus

The Rev. Ivor Kraft was ordained on the Feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle, 1972, and served parishes in Pittsburgh and San Diego. He holds degrees in music, theology and psychology as well as a certificate in spiritual direction from the Roman Catholic (RC) Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Fr. Kraft served from 1995 until 2005 as an adjunct faculty member for Talbot School of Theology at BIOLA University and since 1993, has taught homiletics for the Office for the Permanent Diaconate of the RC Diocese of San Diego. Fr. Kraft and his wife Dorothy have two children, Sarah and Matthew, and two grandsons, Frederick and Harry. Contact Fr. Kraft at [email protected]


Paige Kerr

Children’s Minister

Paige moved to Carlsbad four years ago with her husband and two children who are now teenagers. Paige is currently working at the Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community in administration and prior to that has decades of work experience leading and planning programs for children.

Contact Paige 760.729.8901 ext 04, or [email protected]


Richard Lane


A native of Alexandria, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C., Mr. Lane first became acquainted with sacred music as a member of St. Margaret’s Episcopal parish in Washington. There, on a thirty-one rank Moller, he began organ lessons with the resident organist/choirmaster and later became a member of the Washington National Cathedral Choral Societies under the direction of Paul Callaway and Richard Dirksen.

Mr. Lane came to Southern California after completing a master’s degree in organ performance at the University of Colorado in Boulder. While at the University, he had the rare opportunity for study with noted choral composer and lecturer, Jean Berger, and with members of the Hungarian String Quartet. Instruction in concert organ and sacred music was completed with Don Vollstedt and Everett J. Hilty with master classes from artists in residence, Lady Suzi Jeans (England) and Arthur Poister (Syracuse University, New York).

Mr. Lane has served several churches in the San Diego county including St. Andrew the Apostle in Encinitas and Trinity Episcopal in Escondido.

Contact Richard 760.729.8901 ext 08, or [email protected]


Linda Mumford

Parish Administrator

Linda joined the parish staff in 2011, becoming the full-time Parish Administrator in the fall of 2012. In this role, Linda is responsible for overseeing repairs and maintenance to the St. Michael’s facilities, scheduling room use, accounts payable, among many other tasks!

Contact Linda at 760.729.8901 ext 10, or [email protected]


Anthony Parisi

Digital Media Manager

Anthony is a filmmaker and graphic designer who graduated from Biola University with a B.A. in Cinema and Media Arts. He oversees the church website and social media platforms.

Contact Anthony at [email protected]



Ginny Unanue

Registrar, Archivist

Ginny was raised in Carlsbad, and has attended St. Michael’s from the age of four. Her mother, Dorothy Krepps, brought her to church services here. Ginny was confirmed and married at St. Michael’s by-the-Sea and remembers when, what is now the chapel, was the only church. It was located between Lincoln Street and Carlsbad Blvd., and had a small graveyard with it. A graduate of San Diego State, Ginny taught for 38 years at Pine School and Magnolia School collectively. Ginny has one son with three beautiful and brilliant grandchildren, Justin, Whitney, and Riley.

Contact Ginny at 760.729.8901 ext 06, or [email protected]

St. Michael’s Vestry

Originally, the word “Vestry” referred to the room in a church where all the vestments were kept, and where the clergy and servers got “vested” for worship. The word has also come to refer to the body of lay members elected by the congregation to run the secular business of the parish.

Vestry members are adult members of the parish (16 years or more) who are attendant at worship, regular contributors of record and who for the previous sixty days shall have been registered in the congregation as a baptized person or communicant member. The St. Michael’s Vestry is comprised of the following parish members:

Class 2025

Anne Benson

Kyle Martin

Todd McCarty

April Vanaria

Class of 2026

Kathleen Ables

Bill Norton

Ginny Unanue

Tony Vanaria (Senior Warden)

Class of 2027

Cher Cunningham

Sandy Anderson

Mike Appleton


Senior Warden – Tony Vanaria

Junior Warden – Greg Gleason

Supporting Roles

Treasurer – Stu Hamel

Legal Advisor – Erica Martin

Clerk – Linda Mumford