Nursery & Preschool

9:30am | Educational Building – During Mass, St. Michael’s Nursery and Preschool rooms are joyful nurturing spaces where our youngest children become comfortable in their church community. Biblically-based storytelling, art projects, and experiential opportunities provide a foundation for a developmentally appropriate understanding of the Good News.

All children rejoin their families for the Eucharist and remainder of the Mass.

Children’s Chapel (K – 6th Grade)

9:30am | Chapel – Elementary school-age children are invited to participate in a special time of worship and learning. Children’s Chapel is held in St. Michael’s historic chapel during Mass.

All children rejoin their families for the Eucharist and remainder of the Mass. 

Family Worship

9:30am | Church Building – Worship at St. Michael’s is wiggle-friendly! If families want to worship together during Sunday Mass, there are children’s materials on the “Kids’ Carts” in the back of the sanctuary.

The Family Room

9:30am | Church Building – The Family Room is a calming space for parents and caregivers with young children. The room has audio/visual capabilities enabling families to enjoy full participation in worship. It is outfitted with books and activities for babies and toddlers and a glider rocking chair. 



The Children’s Ministry team consists of volunteers and paid staff who provide safe, positive, early church experiences.

St. Michael’s maintains high caregiver-to-child ratios and has at least one CPR and First Aid certified adult per classroom. All KidMin staff and volunteers must undergo a background check and complete the Safeguarding God’s Children training.

It is a privilege to partner with the families at St. Michael’s! Contact our Children’s Minister Paige Kerr for more information.

Youth Sunday

9:15am | Church Sacristy – On the 2nd Sunday of most months, children of all ages enjoy V.I.P. seating and serve as greeters, readers, and acolytes.

Christian Formation for All Ages

10:45am | Parish Green – Following the Mass, children share playtime with their church friends in the classroom and on the playground. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to participate in Adult Christian Formation in the Parish Hall

Intergenerational Fellowship Events

ALL generations gather together to celebrate the life of the Church! Intergenerational Events take place throughout the year, providing numerous opportunities for mutual sharing, serving, and learning!

Summer Spark

Stay tuned for information on the next Summer Spark!

Facilities & Inclusion


Children of all abilities are accommodated and celebrated at St. Michael’s! The Children’s Ministry Team is dedicated to providing an enriching Sunday experience for everyone. Full participation in the life of the church is encouraged and fostered among typical and exceptional children alike.

Please contact KidMin to learn more about how St. Michael’s can serve your family!


The ADA accessible playground contains a play structure, a toddler swing, a full-support swing, a dome climber, and a beloved climbing tree. The playground is available to children and families whenever there is activity at St. Michael’s! The playground is also open to the community most days.

Please help keep our children healthy by using hand sanitizer before and after use and by refraining from eating or drinking on the playground. Adult supervision of children is required.

Sensory Room

The Sensory Room is a calm, sensory-friendly environment for children and youth when they need space away from highly stimulating activities. The Sensory Room is stocked with sensory-friendly furniture, devices, and manipulatives. It is open on Sunday mornings and during other parish events. Adult supervision of children is required.