Sunday morning Christian Formation provides continued education in the doctrine, faith, and practice of the Church. Instructors include St. Michael’s clergy and special guests.
Fall 2023
Wednesdays in November (except for Thanksgiving)
6:30-7:30 in the Parish Hall beginning Wednesday, November 1st
“What Is A Spiritual Rule of Life? (And Why Would I Want One?)”
Advent season is a time of preparation and the beginning of our liturgical year. As people make New Year Resolutions to prepare themselves for the year ahead, to be “bigger, better, stronger” as the ads for fitness gyms promote, our adult formation this fall is a kind of preparation for the season of preparation called Advent.
Christianity has always offered a spiritual rule of life to follow in order for its adherents to become bigger, better, and stronger in Christ. Did you know our Daughters of the King and the Brotherhood of Saint Andrew have a rule of life they adhere to in their spiritual journey? Or that members of the Society of the Holy Cross (of which your rector is a member) have a rule of life to live by? Or that the Order of St. Benedict – on which rests much of our tradition of Anglican daily worship – follows a rule created in the early 500s AD, and is probably the rule from which most others have modeled themselves after?
This four week pre-Advent formation course will provide an overview and scriptural grounding to the formulation of a rule of life, as well as illustrate with examples in practice by members of St. Michael’s, and perhaps give you some tools and thoughts on developing your own rule, or practice, for the new liturgical year that follows.