The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost

The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost

Prelude Rejoice O My Soul | Siegfried Karg Elert Opening Meditation Christ For The World We Sing! Christ for the world we sing!  The world to Christ we bringWith loving zeal; The poor, and them that mourn,The faint and overborne, Sin-sick and sorrow-worn, Whom...
Vida Joven Report

Vida Joven Report

Hello Father Doran,  On Saturday, September 21, a group of Vida Joven Board members, St Michael’s parishioners, and other guests, went to visit Vida Joven orphanage in Tijuana.  It was a full and worthwhile visit on so many levels, I am truly grateful for...
St Michael And All Angels

St Michael And All Angels

The website is experiencing technical difficulties and is undergoing construction. We apologize for the incomplete liturgy. Opening Meditation Ye Watchers And Ye Holy Ones       Ye watchers and ye holy ones,     ...
The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost

The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Prelude Rejoice O My Soul | Siegfried Karg Elert Opening Meditation Christ For The World We Sing! Christ for the world we sing!  The world to Christ we bringWith loving zeal; The poor, and them that mourn,The faint and overborne, Sin-sick and sorrow-worn, Whom...
Holy Cross

Holy Cross

Prelude Prelude In E Minor | Johann Sebastian Bach Opening Meditation All Praise To Thee, For Thou, O King Divine All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine,Didst yield the glory that of right was thine,That in our darkened hearts thy grace might shine.Alleluia!...